Blue Tree

Blue Tree is a mystic tree with the mind of its own.

It’s located in the middle of the world and was there from its soul creation with the task to care about the world. 

The tree decides how will Entalea look like and it can manipulate with all living things. No wonder humans think of it as a God. 
The Blue Tree doesn’t care what is happening in the world, as long there is a balance in everything. It has a task to create a perfect world like in fantasies, but that’s impossible.

To be able to manipulate with Entalea, the Blue Tree spread magic across the world through its branches, roots and leafs, in the process accidentally unlocking one of special ability to humans that they need to discover (its usually in a form of vision) and learn how to control.
Everything was peaceful and the Tree didn’t feel any need to change anything before humans started doing crimes like killing without purpose or stealing. 
The Tree was angry and as a result, it created a curse, turning the criminals into Holms, beast hybrids like they are, but it just created bigger mess since it granted them more power and to make things worse, as it was getting older, the curse was getting stronger and it lost a control over it, causing even the innocent humans to turn into Holms, making everyone afraid of even thinking about bad behavior. No one is exception from the curse, even woman and children, no matter the age and where you come from. Afraid of the curse coming at others, people started sacrificing other people (mostly, sometimes it knows to be a holm, some other race or animal), once in a month, hoping that the Tree will spear them from the curse.  The ritual is usually held below the old oak tree and each  1st November, it is held right below the Blue Tree. To make it short, people would bring the sacrifice that was randomly picked and tie it up for the tree where they would kill them by stabbing their heart. They would leave the corpse for two to three days before they would pick it up and burn it. It is believed that the curse will be slowed down after bringing a sacrifice to the tree, but it just speeded up things. Unfortunately, the people who noticed that and tried to warn about that just ended up as another sacrifice.
There are many legends and myths going around the tree. Some says it’s evil while others are saying it’s good, but no one knows its true nature and how it really got here in first place.

Most known legend about Blue Tree Origin 

The most well legend that is passing down from generation from generation is the one where the Tree was a beautiful woman long time ago that fell in love with the Universe. They were really close to each other and eventually, became lovers and nothing could tear them apart, even if they are from different worlds. 

One day, the woman went to visit the Universe, but she felt betrayed once she saw that the Universe is still expanding itself, eating her world. She was angry and wanted a revenge. She told the Universe that she never wants to see him again and went to her own world and by her real name, Entalea, the world got its name. 
After she left her lover, she didn’t know what to do and just wanted to separate herself from existence, but couldn’t because then, the world will fall apart.  
She disappeared deep in the forest, crying and crying until her wish got true. She managed to find a way how to escape from her destiny and got turned into a medium sized blue tree, watching and controlling Entalea while being cut off from everything, wanting to get revenge on the Universe by creating a perfect world that will eat him whole…

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